Hello, I am

Lu Wang

Ph.D. Candidate in Information Science,
advised by Dr.Jina Huh-Yoo,
in H2DesignLab at Drexel University

Who am I ?

A Ph.D. Student in Information Science at Drexel University

I am a Human-Computer Interaction and Health Informatics researcher, applying social science knowledge and methods to inform technology design and development. My focus is applying Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, including users’ needs investigation, unobtrusive design and development, and privacy and fairness issues.

Current Projects

My current research aims to:

  • (1) support informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (PLWD) by applying artificial intelligence (AI);
  • (2) investigate AI ethics such as biases in large lanuage models.
  • (3) investigate Explainable AI (XAI) from users' perspectives.

My Expertise

UX Research

Mixed Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Usability Testing, A/B Test, Eyetracking, Diary Studies

UX Design

Persona, User Journey Map, Brainstorming, Moodboards, Storyboards, User Flow, Task Analysis, Wireframes, Prototypes

Data Analysis and AI-related

Structural Equation Modeling, Data Visualization (R & Python), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Lanuage Processing

My Resume


May 2020 - Present

Research Assistant, Drexel University

Performed extensive literature reviews, conducted mixed methods, and applied web crawl methods to investigate the needs of caregivers of people living with dementia in applying technology solutions such as chatbots.

July 2018 - Dec. 2018

User Researcher, NetEase Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES)

Applied a mixed-methods approach to gain a comprehensive understanding of users' needs in using the NetEase Music App, earphones and speakers, and to develop user personas for game players on the NetEase Music App.

July 2017 - Oct. 2017

User Researcher Intern, Lenovo Research

Used R language and Python to analyze customer service dialogue data, labeled the talking techniques used by customers and agents through chat logs to find the most appropriate responses to different user states, and assisted in the design of the Chatbot interaction flow chart.

Oct. 2015 - Mar. 2016

User Researcher Intern, Baidu.com Times Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd.

Conducted telephone interview invitation, interview recording, questionnaire data analysis, and report writing in the areas of tourism, home management, and search engines, and developed a program to generate syntax of SPSS using C language, which improved the efficiency of data analysis by 200%.


2020 - Present

Ph.D. candidate, Information Science
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, US

  • GPA: 4.00/4.00
  • Advisor: Dr. Jina Huh-Yoo.
  • Research Areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Health Informatics, Artificial Intelligence

2016 - 2018

Master of Applied Psychology, User Experience
Beijing Normal University (BNU), Beijing, CN

  • GPA: 87/100, GPA Rank: 1/59
  • Advisor: Dr. Jian Li
  • Thesis: Using Multiple Source Information to Predict User’s Emotion
  • Research Keywords: User experience, Emotion prediction, Text mining, Machine learning, Chat-log

2012 - 2016

Bachelor of Psychology
Beijing Normal University (BNU), Beijing, CN

  • GPA: 90/100
  • Advisor: Dr. Jian Li
  • Thesis: Recovery of Resources is for Better Learning: The Influence of College Students' Daily Learning on Their Self-control Resources
  • Research Keywords: Self-depletion, Diary study, Hierarchical linear model, Dumbbell straight method

  • Dr. Jina Huh-Yoo, Drexel University
  • Dr. Shadi Rezapour, Drexel University
  • Dr. Shahin Jabbari, Drexel University
  • Dr. Jian Li, Beijing Normal University
  • Dr. Wei Liu, Beijing Normal University
  • Dr. Lun Zhang, Beijing Normal University
  • Dr. Xianjun (Sam) Zheng, DeepHow | Tsinghua University
  • Mr. Qicheng Ding, Lenovo Research
  • Skills

    E-Prime (for Psychology Experiment)
    Inquisit (for Psychology Experiment)
    Mplus (for Data Analysis)
    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Illustrator


    Chinese Mandarin


    Cases Analysis


    Projects Finished


    Participants Interviewed


    Types of Industries

    My Portfolio

    Synonyms of Conversational Agents

    Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

    Representativeness of 'People Also Ask'

    AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium

    Beijing Bus Stop User Experience Research

    Group Assessment in the Class of "Issues in Research Methodology: Quantitative, Qualitative and Action Research", Instructor: Dr. Xianjun Zheng

    Usability Testing

    Group Assessment in the Class of "Issues in Research Methodology: Quantitative, Qualitative and Action Research", Instructor: Dr. Xianjun Zheng


    Group Assessment in the Class of "User Research (Consumer Psychology and Qualitative Study)"


    Cluster Analysis and Map Visualization

    Latest News

    ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024

    Our late-breaking work, "Artificial Intelligence Systems for Supporting Informal Caregivers of People Living with Alzheimer's Disease or Related Dementias: A Systematic Review" (co-authored with , and ) has been accepted to CHI 2024. I'm excited to present this work as a poster and look forward to meeting the other attendees at the conference on the island of Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi!

    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction Volume 8 Issue CSCW1 2024

    Our paper, "Emotion Work in Caregiving: The Role of Technology to Support Informal Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia" (co-authored with and ) has been accepted to PACM HCI and will be presented at CSCW 2024.

    Read more

    Grace Hopper Celebration 23

    I'm excited to announce that I will be attending the , Sep 26-29th, sponsored by . Grace Hopper Celebration is one of the most prestigious events in the tech world, celebrating women in technology and fostering diversity and inclusion. I look forward to meeting the other attendees at the conference in Orlando, FL!


    Human Computer Interaction Consortium 23

    I'm excited to announce that I have been selected to attend , June 11 - 15, on the theme of "Supporting Online Trust and Safety, Privacy, and Security". I look forward to meeting the other attendees at the conference in Delavan, WI!

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    ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2023

    Our late-breaking work, "Investigating the Synonyms of Conversational Agents to Aid Cross-Disciplinary CA Research" (co-authored with and ) has been accepted to CHI 2023. I'm excited to present this work as a poster at the conference virtually.

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    CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women Workshop 23
    CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women Workshop 2023

    I am excited to announce that I have been selected as a participant for the , April 20-22. I look forward to presenting my work and meeting the other attendees at the conference in San Francisco, CA!

    Read more

    My Contact

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